



(息切れ)shortness of breath




(外傷)external wound(s)

(風邪をひく)catch cold

(肩こり)stiffness in the shoulder

(下腹部痛)low abdominal pain





(筋肉痛)muscule pain





(血便)bloody stool


(言語障害)speech disturbance

(声がかれる)horse voice

(声が出ない)voice loss




(痔)hemorrhoids or piles

(食あたり)food poisoning



(視力減退)visual disturbance






(立ちくらみ)to feel faint

(脱臼)dislocation of joint

(食べ過ぎ)eat too much (over eating)




(聴力低下)difficulty in hearing





(鈍痛)dull pain



(寝汗)night sweat



(のどの痛み)sore throat or throat pain

(飲み過ぎ)drink too much


(背痛)back pain





(鼻水)running nose (rhinorhoea)


(鼻閉)nose obstruction




(偏頭痛)severe headache



(耳だれ)ear discharge

(耳鳴り)running in the ear



(虫歯)tooth decay

(胸が痛い)chest pain



(目のごみ)foreign object in the eye


(目やに)eye discharge





(透析室はどこですか)Where is the hemodialysis unit located ?

(生化学検査をお願いします)I wish to have my blood chemistries checked.

(この透析は、どのくらいの費用がかかるのでしょうか)How much is this treatment ?

(動脈針は、この場所です)The arterial needle is placed here.

(静脈針は、この場所です)The venous needle is placed here.

(私は14-16ゲージの針を使っています)I use 14-16 G (gauge) needles.

(穿刺する前に表面麻酔をお願いします)May I ask Xylocaine injection before needle puncture ?

(単位時間当たりのヘパリン量は3mlです)My heparin dosage is 3cc per hour.

(私はアレルギー体質です)I have an allergic reaction.

(通常陽圧 / 陰圧100mmHgで透析しています)I generally dialyze at 100 mmHg positive / negative pressure.

(透析中はだいたい時間当たり4kgの体重増加があります)I generally gain 4.0kg hour between dialysis.

(透析中におよそ3kg除水します)I usually lose 3kg during dialysis.

(何時間透析をするのでしょうか)How many hours will I dialysis ?

(私は通常4時間透析です)I usually dialysis for 4 hours.

(今日の10時ごろ、低血糖をおこしたようです)It seems that I had low blood sugar about 10 o’clock today.


(針先が痛いです)My cannula hurts.

(吐き気がします)I feel like vomiting.

(寒気がします)I have chills.

(お医者さんを呼んでくれますか)Please call the doctor.

(熱があります)I have a fever.

(とても暑いです、寒いです)I am too warm (cold).

(のどが渇きます)I am thirsty.

(水または氷を持ってきてもらえませんか)May I have some water / ice ?

(静脈側にしびれがあるのですが)I think I have a venous spasm.

(穿刺部位から血液がもれています)Blood leaks around my fistula needle sites.

(気分が悪いです)I feel bad.

(膿盆を持ってきてください)I require a bedpan.

(さしこむような痛みがあります)I have a sharp pain.

(血圧を測定してください)Please check my blood pressure.

(今、低血糖症状があるようです)I seem to have hypoglycemia.

(冷や汗がでます)I break into a cold sweat.

(手が震えます)My hands are shaking.

(動悸がします)My heart palpitetes.

(ひどくイライラします)I become irritable.

(止血クランプを持っています)I have clamps.

(ボーッとして、意識がなくなるような気がします)It feels like I am about to lose consciousness.

(静脈側ドリップチャンバーの血液レベルを、空気を入れてさげて下さいますか)I’d like to lower the level of blood in this venous drip chamber by pushing air in.

(血糖値が心配なので検査してくれますか)Could you check my blood sugar level, please ?

(もっとゆっくりお願いします)Please slow down the blood poump.


(目まいがします)I feel dizzy.

(頭痛がします)I have a headache.

(頭痛薬を持ってきてくださいますか)May I have medication for my headache ?

(ひどくだるくて、力がぬけるようです)I feel very tired.

(あまり良くなりません)I am not feeling any better.

(どこが悪いのでしょうか)What is wrong with me ?

(もう一つ包帯を持っていますか)May I have another bandage ?

(領収書をいただけますか)May I have an official paid receipt ?

(予定通り旅行を続けてもいいですか)Is it all right for me to continue my journey as scheduled ?